香港著名文學作家 – 也斯(1949年3月12日-2013年1月5日)

節錄 : 星島日報


本館有他以下館藏,歡迎同學借閱 :

人間滋味 、三魚集、蔬菜的政治、游離的詩



圖書推介 : 完全圖解都市心理病──向抑鬱Say Goodbye

內容介紹 :

索書號 : 175.65 7711 (心理學)   ACNO : C011722


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Life without limits

 Life without limits

I have to confess that I’m a girl with a feeble personality. When I was reading “Life without limits”, I kept reflecting on myself and thinking of my life and my circumstances. I realized that I have many defects that I’ve never noticed and I noticed that grumbling has been one of my habits. What’s more, “Oh my goodness!” is my platitude when I meet with problems.

I believe in god, at the same time, I challenge him. I like to ask God “WHY?” as I am eager to wonder why I’m so unlucky. I cannot do what I want, I cannot achieve targets and even I don’t know what I should do. Every now and then, I feel I am just like a stray lamb which is really silly and unfortunate.

 I always pray too. At that moment, I will tell God what I want Him to help me and what I’m looking for. Then, I’m looking forward to the answer from God. Of course, not all my problems were solved after I prayed. When my prayers were not answered, I would challenge God and sometimes not believe in Him anymore. In my point of view, if God is real, why doesn’t He help his girl to solve her problems? My brothers always told me that the Lord loves us and we should love Him and believe in Him. Although I know it, it’s hard on me to love the one who doesn’t help me. As a result, I’m always confused and I get lost mentally.

Nick taught me that if the Lord didn’t answer my prayers, I didn’t need to worry about it as God has His plan for me in the future. I’m humbled by Nick’s faith since he treats God as well as his best friends. Nick believes God without any challenge. In his book, I have never felt that Nick is pitiful even though he lives without limbs and he is different from normal people. He is an extraordinary man who is full of hopes and loves.

In addition to faith, Nick told me that “You can’t wait for that miracle or “just right opportunity”. ”Waiting”—-the biggest enemy of me. Sometimes, when I feel I may be overcome by frustrations, I tell to myself that I just need to wait for a right opportunity to solve my problems. Of course, I now realize that in the bottom of my heart, I not only want to wait but also want to hide the problems. In reality, I’m still alive and I have to solve problems that will be or may be occurring in my life. In chapter two—— No Arms, No Legs, No Limits, I learned that “Life may not be going well for you now, but as long as you are here, as long as you pass through, anything is possible.”

The most important thing is that I’ve learned that I have to change my attitude if I want to change my plight. I have just realized that I will be responsible for my attitude. I must consider if my attitude is suitable before I do anything. Nick is the most inspiring person who I have ever known as he doesn’t hold old hurts and he always holds an optimistic attitude. I think that’s why he can be a really successful speaker. Although I may not get success after changing, it’s better to be change than remain the same.

Life without limits

Life without limits

I have to confess that I’m a girl with a feeble personality. When I was reading “Life  without limits”, I kept reflecting on myself and thinking of my life and my circumstances. I realized that I have many defects that I’ve never noticed and I noticed that grumbling has been one of my habits. What’s more, “Oh my goodness!” is my platitude when I meet with problems.

I believe in god, at the same time, I challenge him. I like to ask God “WHY?” as I am eager to wonder why I’m so unlucky. I cannot do what I want, I cannot achieve targets and even I don’t know what I should do. Every now and then, I feel I am just like a stray lamb which is really silly but unfortunate.

 I always pray too. At that moment, I will tell God what I want Him to help me and what I’m looking for. Then, I’m looking forward to the answer from God. Of course, not all my problems were solved after I prayed. When my prayers were not answered, I would challenge God and sometimes not believe in Him anymore. In my point of view, if God is real, why doesn’t He help his girl to solve her problems? My brothers always told me that the Lord is loving and we should love Him and believe in Him. Although I know it, it’s hard on me to love the one who doesn’t help me. As a result, I’m always confused and I get lost mentally.

Nick taught me that if the Lord didn’t answer my prayers, I didn’t need to worry about it as God has His plan for me in the future. I’m humbled by Nick’s faith since he treats God as well as his best friends. Nick believes God is without any challenge. In his book, I have never felt Nick is pitiful even though he lives without limbs and he is different from normal people. He is an extraordinary man who is full of hopes and love.

In addition to faith, Nick told me that “You can’t wait for that miracle or “just right
opportunity”.” Waiting—-the biggest enemy for me. Sometimes, when I felt that
I might be overcome by frustrations, I would tell to myself that I just need to wait for a right opportunity to solve my problems. Of course, I now realize that in the bottom of my heart, I not only want to wait but also want to hide the problems. In reality, I’m still alive and I have to solve problems that will be or may be occurring in my life. In chapter two—— No Arms, No Legs, No Limits, I learned that “Life may not be going well for you now, but as long as you are here, as long as you pass through, anything is possible.”

The most important thing is that I’ve learned that I have to change my attitude if I want to change my plight. I have just realized that I will be responsible for my
attitude. I must consider if my attitude is suitable before I do anything. Nick is the most inspiring person who I had ever known as he doesn’t hold old hurts and he always holds an optimistic attitude. I think that’s why he can be a really successful speaker. Although I may not get success after changing, it’s better to be change than remain the same.


由匯城文化 及 Silence Design 聯合出版的《流浪貓的故事—動物義工訪談集》 出版啦!!小冊子包括了三位流浪貓義工的訪談錄外,亦包括了照顧流浪貓的經驗分享。愛護動物的朋友,萬勿錯過!





《流浪貓的故事—動物義工訪談集》電子版現可以匯城文化網站: 免費下載。
